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Book your consultation today and get you personalised advice and support to help you through this with ease.


  • 月经变化:由于雌激素水平波动,月经周期会变得不规则,可能会变长或变短,有些月份甚至完全没有月经。
  • 心脏影响:你可能会偶尔感觉眩晕、刺痛、麻木,或心悸和心跳加速等,敏感度也可能变得更强。
  • 牙齿敏感:由于下颌骨的流失,牙齿可能变得更敏感。
  • 头发生长:激素变化可能会导致毛发生长,尤其是在面部,可能出现些许胡须或眉毛变长的情况。
  • 潮热:你可能会感觉比平时更热,脸部发红,并且出汗。潮热可能发生在白天或晚上。
  • 经前综合症(PMS)加重:接近更年期时,疲劳、情绪波动和压力的表现可能变得更加明显。
  • 睡眠问题:你可能更容易失眠,尤其是因为夜间出汗导致睡眠中断,或者因为入睡困难而影响整体的睡眠质量。
  • 情绪波动:情绪可能变得不稳定,可能突然感到焦虑、烦躁或心情低落。
  • 膀胱控制力减弱:盆腔肌肉变弱,可能导致在笑、咳嗽或打喷嚏时漏尿。
  • 性生活变化:随着雌激素水平下降,可能会发生外阴阴道萎缩,这是一种阴道内衬变得更干燥、更薄、弹性减少的状况。
  • 体型变化:即使饮食保持不变,体重仍可能增加,特别是腹部脂肪,因为脂肪的分布会发生变化。
  • 脑雾:思维可能变得不清晰,导致注意力不集中,记忆力下降。
  • 身体疼痛:关节和肌肉变得僵硬,可能更容易感到身体酸痛。
  • 如果你正在经历任何这些更年期症状,国泰中医可以帮助你,提供个性化的调理方法,以缓解你的不适。

Struggling with any of these menopausal symptoms? Guo Tai is here to help by offering personalised and time-tested treatments to alleviate your discomfort and improve your well-being.

今天就预约国泰中医咨询, 今天就预约国泰中医咨询, 获取适合您的解决方案,顺利度过中年期的过渡期。



  • 月经开始变得不规则
  • 潮热和夜间出汗
  • 阴道干燥
  • 睡眠模式不规则
  • 情绪波动











  • 更多的潮热
  • 更多的情绪变化
  • 骨密度丧失
  • 性欲变化






  • 轻度潮热
  • 阴道干燥
  • 泌尿道问题
  • 骨质疏松和心脏病风险增加



现在就联系我们, 迈出第一步,让我们帮助你通过中医恢复活力、轻松度过更年期过渡期。




  • 手术切除卵巢
  • 某些癌症治疗
  • 吸烟
  • 家族史





  • 西班牙裔女性
  • 非洲裔美国女性
  • 白人女性
  • 亚洲女性




  • 心脏病
  • 骨质疏松
  • 泌尿道问题
  • 中风



  • 维持更健康的饮食
  • 定期锻炼
  • 补充足够的钙和维生素D
  • 戒烟(如果你吸烟)
  • 定期进行体检

如果你认为自己有可能进入更年期或已经在经历相关症状, 可以联系国泰中医进行咨询, 我们将为你提供个性化的建议,帮助你顺利度过这一人生重要阶段。


  • 自然衰老:随着年龄的增长,卵巢会停止产生雌激素和孕酮,这些激素控制着你的月经周期。
  • 遗传:家族历史可能会影响你更年期的开始时间。
  • 吸烟:吸烟与更早进入更年期有关。
  • 体重:体重过轻可能会影响更年期的到来时间。
  • 生育:从未生育可能会影响更年期的开始。
  • 手术切除卵巢(卵巢切除术):会立即进入更年期,症状可能会突然变得很严重。
  • 癌症治疗(化疗/放疗):可能导致更早进入更年期,虽然治疗后月经可能会恢复。
  • 自身免疫病:一些免疫系统疾病可能导致卵巢在40岁之前就停止工作,这种情况叫做早发卵巢衰竭。


Hormone therapy and herbal remedies can help with menopause symptoms. Two innovative approaches combine traditional wisdom with modern technology to give you relief.





Herbal King Moxibustion can help your body in many ways. It can ease pain, reduce swelling, and increase energy. It’s a good treatment to address various health issues that cause your body to feel weak and lethargic.

The treatment can warm you up and get rid of dampness. It’s good for unblocking energy in your body, so you will feel more refreshed and regain your balance after the treatment.

At Guo Tai TCM, we ensure you get the perfect treatments suited to deal with menopausal symptoms and make the whole experience more bearable. You deserve a life free from discomfort and pain. Book your consultation today and start your journey to better menopausal management.

Other Menopause Treatments

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)

This is a common treatment for menopause symptoms. It replaces the hormones your body no longer produces. HRT can help with hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness by increasing your hormonal levels. This treatment also helps in keeping your bones healthy.

Estrogen therapy (ET)

This option involves taking hormone oestrogen on a regular basis and is often used if you’ve had a hysterectomy. This also helps in replenishing low oestrogen levels so your bones and skin remain healthy.

Estrogen progestogen therapy (EPT)

Also called combination therapy due to its usage of estrogen and a hormone similar to progesterone, EPT is a hormone therapy for people who still have their uteruses. It helps in decreasing menopause symptoms, improves bone health, increases sex drive, and helps you manage your weight more effectively.

Topical hormone therapy

This treatment option comes in creams, gels, or patches. These are applied directly to your skin to help with specific symptoms like vaginal dryness or hot flashes

If your concern is about your bone health, there are also medications that help prevent osteoporosis and other bone issues as you age. The most common of these medications is bisphosphonates, which can be taken by mouth weekly or monthly but can also be injected through a vein or the process called infusion annually.

It’s time to experience a more gentle but effective alternative, book your consultation and achieve a healthier lifestyle with Guo Tai TCM.

Other non-hormonal options

  • Antidepressants to reduce hot flashes and mood swings.
  • Gabapentin (originally used for seizures) to reduce the frequency and intensity of hot flashes.
  • Fezolinetant (newer non-hormonal to target hot flashes.
  • Oxybutynin (used for bladder issues) to reduce hot flashes.

Menopause Diagnosis

Doctors can diagnose menopause through a combination of methods. Your symptoms and medical history play a big part, along with some tests to check hormone levels.

TCM Diagnosis

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has a different way of diagnosing menopause. TCM practitioners will not only discuss with you your symptoms but also look at your medical history and overall health. They check your pulse and your tongue to get a clear understanding of your body’s balance.

TCM sees menopause as a natural shift of energy. Practitioners will ask about your sleep, mood, digestion, lifestyle, and stress levels to assess your overall health. This holistic approach helps create a tailored treatment plan for you.

Blood Tests

Blood tests are a common way to diagnose menopause. Your doctor may order a test to check your follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and estradiol (E2) levels to rule out any other causes for the changes you’re experiencing. FSH rises as your ovaries produce less oestrogen.

Other blood tests that are helpful:

  • Oestrogen levels: This will help determine whether your hormone levels are declining, which can be an indication that your body is already starting to transition into menopause.
  • Thyroid function tests: These tests will look into possible thyroid disorders that you may have as they can also mimic menopausal symptoms. This is also administered to ensure that the diagnosis is accurate and for your doctor to rule out other potential health issues.
  • Testosterone levels: Measuring testosterone levels can detect imbalances that may affect energy levels, mood, and libido.
  • Cholesterol: Monitoring cholesterol levels is important as menopause can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Kidney function: Assessing kidney function helps ensure that your kidneys are working properly, as this can affect overall health.
  • Liver function: Checking liver function is crucial because menopause-related hormonal changes can impact liver health.
  • Progesterone: Measuring progesterone levels helps in understanding the balance of female hormones in the body.
  • Prolactin: High levels of prolactin can cause symptoms similar to menopause and need to be ruled out.
  • Luteinizing hormone (LH): LH levels can provide additional information about ovarian function and hormonal balance.
  • Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG): Although more commonly associated with pregnancy, hCG levels can help rule out other conditions.


These tests can rule out other conditions that may cause similar symptoms. Your healthcare professional may recommend repeat tests over time to monitor changes. A single test can’t always confirm menopause so your doctor will consider your symptoms too.

Postmenopause Complications

Menopause can bring about several health problems. Be aware of these:

  • Osteoporosis: Your bones may become weaker and more prone to fractures due to the drop in oestrogen levels during menopause. This can make your bones more brittle and accelerate bone loss that affects your spine, wrists and hips.
  • Heart disease: Your risk of cardiovascular problems may increase due to higher cholesterol levels and blood pressure caused by reduced oestrogen levels. 
  • Higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease: The decrease in oestrogen levels can affect brain function and is a contributing factor that makes women more susceptible to Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Wrinkles: Due to reduced collagen production, your skin is less elastic and form, which makes it more prone to wrinkles and sagging.
  • Poor muscle power and tone: Reduced muscle strength can make daily tasks more challenging. You may also experience lower energy levels and general fatigue.
  • Weaker vision: Poor eyesight due to cataracts and macular degeneration that causes objects to appear hazy or out of focus.
  • Urinary incontinence: Due to a lack of pelvic control and strength, you may notice yourself leaking when you sneeze, laugh, or cough. 
  • Urinary tract infections (UTIs): Your urinary tract lining is affected by low oestrogen levels, making you more susceptible to bacterial infection that can result in more frequent UTIs. 
  • Vaginal infections: Hormonal changes during menopause can disrupt vaginal pH, which can lead to more yeast infections and other bacterial infections.
  • Mental health concerns: The frequent shifts in hormone levels can make you more vulnerable to anxiety, depression, and mood swings that can be emotionally exhausting. 
  • Stroke: Changes in blood vessel function and cholesterol levels during the menopausal stage increase your risk of having a stroke. 
  • Weight gain: Hormonal changes can slow down metabolism and can even promote fat storage making it harder to lose weight. 
  • Constipation and gas: Reduced oestrogen levels can cause the digestive tract to slow down, causing increased constipation, gas, and even bloating.

Schedule your appointment today and keep yourself protected from these complications.

Menopause Treatment Risks

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) can help alleviate menopause symptoms, but it does come with certain risks. Here are some of the risks to be aware of:

  • Uterine Cancer: You’re more at risk if you still have your uterus and aren’t taking progestin alongside oestrogen.
  • Blood Clots: Smoking, being overweight and other health conditions can increase your risk as they cause blood clots, or thromboembolism, around your body.
  • Breast Cancer: Combined HRT (oestrogen and progestin) may slightly increase the risk of developing breast cancer.
  • Heart Disease and Stroke: Starting HRT later in menopause can raise the risk of cardiovascular issues.
  • Side Effects: Bloating, breast tenderness, and nausea are common side effects for some women on HRT.


Weighing the benefits and risks with your doctor is essential to determine if HRT is suitable for you based on your health history and symptoms. 

Non-hormonal treatments also have potential risks:

  • Antidepressants: These can sometimes cause nausea or a reduced sex drive.
  • Vaginal Moisturisers: Some women may experience irritation from certain products that are not suited with their skin types. It’s important to do patch tests first before applying them in the desired area.
  • Herbal Remedies: Not all herbal products are regulated and they can interact with other medications.


Every woman is unique so what works for others may not be suitable for you. Make it a priority to consult your GP before you start using or doing any treatment for menopause symptoms.

现在就联系我们, and schedule an appointment, it’s time you experience what gentle, compassionate, and natural healing is!




  • 咨询费SGD 25 - SGD 250
  • 药物成本SGD 50 - SGD 200/月



  • 95裹药汗蒸:SGD 228/次
  • 药王灸调理:SGD 149(工作日),SGD 169(周末)


Other Menopause Treatments On The Market

  • 生物同源激素疗法:SGD 300 - SGD 800/月
  • Herbal supplements: SGD 30 – SGD 100 per month
  • 瑜伽或冥想课程:SGD 20 - SGD 50/课


Prices are estimates and may vary. Your total cost will depend on the severity of your symptoms and how long you need treatment.

Before starting any treatment, speak to your GP or specialist to find the best and most cost-effective option for you.

Some treatments may be partially covered by insurance so check with your provider to see what’s included in your plan.

Subsidies for Menopause Treatment in Singapore

In Singapore, subsidies are given based on citizenship, income and type of treatment. The government helps to pay for hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in public hospitals. To get subsidised care, you need to get a referral from a polyclinic. In private clinics, ask about Medisave and other payment plans. Also, check with your insurance provider if menopause treatment is covered under your plan.

Why Choose Guo Tai TCM for Menopause Treatment?

  • PhysicianGuo Pengchun: Guo Tai TCM provides expert care for your menopausal symptoms. PhysicianGuo Pengchun has years of experience from her time in Guangdong General Hospital’s A&E department. Her expertise in pain management is particularly useful for menopause-related discomfort.
  • Non-invasive treatments: We are natural and non-invasive. We don’t use surgery or lots of medication to heal your body. Instead, we work with your body’s own healing abilities. This makes our treatment safe for you no matter what your age.
  • Personalised treatment plans: We tailor our care to you. Our signature 95 Herbal Imperial Diaphoretic Therapy may be part of your treatment. We also recommend lifestyle changes to help manage your symptoms without any additional medications. Your treatment will depend on how you feel when you come to see us.
  • High patient satisfaction: Our patients love us. We have a 4.8 star rating on Google reviews. This just shows that our treatment works for women in menopause like you.


At Guo Tai TCM, we focus on your overall well-being during menopause. Our goal is to improve your quality of life as you go through this transition. PhysicianGuo’s expertise supports our tailored approach.

今天就预约国泰中医咨询, and discover the transformative power of our gentle and effective treatments. Our compassionate team is dedicated to providing personalised care and support. We’ll answer your questions, provide detailed information, and offer helpful tips to ensure a comfortable and successful treatment experience.












Keeping blood sugar in check


















Al-Azzawi, Farook, and Santiago Palacios. “Hormonal Changes During Menopause.” Maturitas, vol. 63, no. 2, Apr. 2009, pp. 135–37, doi:10.1016/j.maturitas.2009.03.009.

Monteleone, Patrizia, et al. “Symptoms of Menopause — Global Prevalence, Physiology and Implications.” Nature Reviews Endocrinology, vol. 14, no. 4, Feb. 2018, pp. 199–215, doi:10.1038/nrendo.2017.180.
